Doreen's Pizza Restaurant

3 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Pizza – What to Know

Pizza has always been a universally favorite snack, but despite earning a consistently top spot in people’s go-to list, it somehow finds itself lumped with greasy fast foods. Media often gives the pizza a bad light, especially for health-conscious eaters who are mindful of their calorie intake.

Diet fads and nutritionists say that eating good pizza should be done in moderation, but science finds that having another slice is healthier for you more than you realize. With that in mind, here’s how a pizza is a highly nutritional meal:

Benefit #1: A Healthy Pizza Starts with a Hearty and Bright Red Sauce

The quality of the dough may be the body of the pizza, but the sauce serves as the heart. The right, the red sauce can give every bite a bright punch, so it’s safe to say that it can also make or mar a pizza.

With that in mind, a healthy pizza sauce is typically made from tomatoes, which is rich in antioxidants like lycopene. Also found in other vividly-colored fruits like strawberries and raspberries, having enough lycopene can reduce blood pressure, minimize cholesterol, and even help prevent cancer!

It’s also easy to think that eating fresh is always better, but cooked tomatoes absorb lycopene more. When looking at one tablespoon of pizza sauce, you can find at least 2,000 mcg of lycopene in an average slice.

Benefit #2: A Healthy Pizza is Made with Nutritious Ingredients

Topping pizza with trendy, shocking gimmicks like burgers, fried chicken, fries, and other greasy foods is like eating cholesterol in every bite. However, regular pizzas – from your Italian classics to New York’s favorites – are often made with healthier and simpler choices.

With that in mind, topping your pizza with different kinds of meat like ham or beef can be a delicious source of lean protein. You also don’t have to worry about overeating bread as a thin crust can provide a better combination of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

You can also choose to add all vegetables for toppings, making each slice a perfect contender for a balanced meal. To that end, a deep-dish, meaty delight with extra pepperoni on top may not be the best choice if you want to go for a fresher snack.

Benefit #3: Cheese is an Excellent Source of Protein

It’s easy to believe that cheese is unhealthy with its sinfully delicious flavor and texture, but cheese is often the go-to snacks for health gurus. Other than lean meats from chicken, beef, ham, or seafood toppings, cheese can provide the essential protein your body needs to build and repair tissues.

Wrapping Up

Almost everybody in the world loves pizza in all its different styles and gastronomic glory. While many people think it’s a guilty pleasure, a well-balanced, slice of pizza can be good for your health. It can be a nutritional breakfast, lunch, or dinner, so if anyone offers an extra slice, there’s no reason to say no!

If you’re looking for one of the best restaurants in Dyer, Indiana, for delicious pizza, get in touch with us at Doreen’s Pizza today and check out our delectable choices!

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