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Doreen’s Pizzeria – Why Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Is a Good Choice for Everyone

Over the years, the demand for more gluten-free options has only gotten louder. Luckily, more people have started not just listening to this, but acting on it. Pizza is one of the most well-loved foods across the globe. This is why it’s no surprise that it’s also become part of the gluten-free movement. Even pizza restaurants in Dyer have started to pick it up.

Why should gluten-free pizza crust matter to non-dieters?

While yes, a lot of the people who get pizza delivery in Indiana are on some type of gluten-free restriction, they’re not the only ones who can benefit. Even if you don’t have allergies to gluten, or you’re not on some type of weight loss journey, gluten-free pizza crust is a great option.

It goes without saying that gluten sensitivities are a key reason to get said pizza crusts. However, they’re also a great alternative for people looking to be healthier without giving up beloved food like pizza. Don’t worry; there will be no extensive talk of calories here. Read on to learn more about the health and flavor benefits of a gluten-free pizza crust!

What makes gluten-free pizza crust beneficial?

As some of you may probably have guessed, the benefits of a pizza crust that’s gluten-free are generally the benefits of all things gluten-free. When you live gluten-free or at least drastically reduce regular gluten consumption, you’re definitely living more healthily.

Addresses ‘pizza belly’

Of course, there’s more that goes into weight loss than just managing gluten. However, going gluten-free addresses the bloating associated with gluten consumption. Looking to make an ideal first impression during a first date? Gluten-free pizza crust is definitely your best bet.

Drops risks of illness considerably

There are no mutant powers or superhero traits in gluten-free pizza. However, they do have a rather great way of reducing the risks of cancer, dropping heart disease risk, and helping prevent most viruses. That’s largely due to the gluten-free options in food that are typically packed with antioxidants. You don’t have to feel guilty about sabotaging your health with gluten-free pizza!

Helps control insulin

While insulin spikes may seem like a concern that’s only meant for diabetics, there’s more to it than that. Insulin spikes can be troublesome even for folks who don’t have issues with sugar. When you eat pizza with a crust that’s gluten-free, you’re helping yourself address the risk of future insulin spikes.

Less gluten means more energy

Digestion is far better improved when there’s little to no gluten in the body. It also leads cholesterol levels to drop considerably. It will give off a much better overall feeling.


Gluten-free pizza crust may sound like an option that’s only key for people with gluten sensitivities or on certain diets. That couldn’t be farther from the truth: everyone can benefit from consuming pizza whose crust is gluten-free. There are multiple benefits to this, including more energy, better control of insulin, and getting rid of ‘pizza belly’ caused by gluten-induced bloating. Ordering pizza today? Ask your neighborhood pizza place if they offer gluten-free options!

Looking for the best pizza in Indiana that’s gluten-free? Doreen’s Pizzeria has your cravings covered! We offer dine-in, carry-out, delivery, and even catering to customers in Chicago and Dyer. Contact us today to order!

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